

Why do some people leave therapy before they completely heal?

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Why do some people leave therapy before they completely heal?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to deciding whether or not to continue therapy. Just as there are many reasons why people may start therapy, there are just as many reasons why some may begin to consider ending it. It's a complicated decision that ultimately comes down to what is best for the individual.

Many people start to feel better and think that stopping therapy is appropriate. People occasionally have exaggerated notions of how therapy would proceed, and when the reality differs, they stop seeing a therapist. 

Additionally, people only consult mental care specialists when a problem starts snatching peace of mind and quality of life. Experts have carefully evaluated the reasons behind it.

Few Common Reasons Are As Follows:  

Stigma: It's not uncommon for people to feel a sense of shame or embarrassment when it comes to admitting they need help from a therapist to deal with emotional or mental struggles. After all, we're constantly bombarded with messages telling us that we should be able to tough it out and deal with our problems on our own. When the pain breaks through stigma, it comes back with greater intensity.
Hence, therapy is a potent tool that can help us overcome challenges and improve our lives in so many ways - so don't let the stigma around it keep you from taking steps forward.

Dissatisfaction with the therapist: Mental care undoubtedly takes a long time to show positive results. It means people need to keep patience and visit several times. Modern lifestyles and excess responsibilities do not leave them free to do so. Accordingly, they prefer to leave therapy before complete healing.

Other priorities: Mental health difficulties undoubtedly prove very problematic to compromise upon, but other responsibilities become the priorities for a person. Consequently, people start preferring other assignments over paying visits to mental care experts for improved mental well-being.  

Lack of money/large medical bills: Mental health care undoubtedly comes at a heavy price. Accordingly, people only consult a medical professional when things go beyond their control. Later, they stop visiting when things come under control to escape large medical bills. 

Unrealistic expectations: Mental health care is not a one-time affair. Only a perfect mixture of continuous efforts and a disciplined lifestyle fetches results. Reports have found that a major portion of people keeps unrealistic expectations. They expect to witness visible results after 1-2 visits. They leave in the middle if they do not meet the expectations.

Comparison with others: The mind and body of each person react differently in comparison with others. People start feeling uncomfortable when others comparatively fetch good results. This comparison encourages them to leave in the middle.

Start feeling good: Self-understanding also compels people to leave the treatment before complete healing. Most people feel that mental care experts are taking longer and not assisting with genuine intentions. They also feel that the mind has now started recovery and it will heal itself over time.

It is important for you to continue practicing the techniques you've learned. Remember that you have all the tools you need to continue caring for yourself - you must have faith in your ability to do so with your therapist by your side.

Solh Wellness provides therapy and counseling services to people who need an affordable and convenient way to improve their mental health. At Solh Wellness, everyone deserves access to quality mental health care, so we have various options that best suit your needs.