

Why Can’t I Leave Work at Work

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Why Can’t I Leave Work at Work

The moment you step out of your office, it can be challenging to leave the stress behind. The pressure of deadlines, performance, piles of emails, and this constant urge to complete the work do not let you Hakuna-Matata.

If you think about the hours of work you put in the office, it would account for most of how your day was spent. It becomes natural for you to carry some baggage after work hours. Having said that, it does not mean you have to keep carrying it. So here are some reasons you are not able to strike the appropriate work-life balance.

Factors affecting Work-Life balance  

1. Technology  

Technology is the best thing in this era in terms of increased connectivity, but just like the two sides of a coin, tech has its dark side too. Explicitly, it has created smartphones and easy access to check work emails outside working hours. This cycle has made us addicted to always clearing our inboxes and checking our phones all the time for any updates. Another thing it has brought with it is the expectation from others at work for you to always respond to their calls and be able to connect with you after work.

2. Work Culture  

Some workplaces have longer working hours and expect higher productivity. Trying to meet these demands can make it difficult for you to disconnect and relax. Another added pressure is seeing your colleagues working late or being available after work hours. It psychologically pushes you to try to catch up and try to do the same.

3. Job Security  

Finding a job, adjusting to a new environment, and meeting everyday demands can feel stressful. With all these thoughts, the fear of losing your job is real. This fear often drives you to work beyond your regular hours to prove that you are a diligent and dedicated employee. 

On top of that, the job market is also highly competitive and demanding. As a result, you are running a race, always trying to stay ahead, leading you to overwork.

4. Personal Ambition  

Everyone has some expectations of themselves. Even at work, you expect a certain position, have some expectations about your salary, or have a project you want to take up. Your personal goals and ambitions to thrive can also add to this motivation to work extra hours. Your passion for work could be a double-edged sword, as it constantly pushes you to work and makes it difficult to disconnect.

5. Workload  

A demanding job with a high volume of work can require working beyond office hours. A characteristic issue that can crop up here is time management. Poor time management can lead to unfinished tasks that could spill over into personal time, blurring the line between personal time and working hours.

6. Boundary Issue  

Many readers who are reading this are worried about their loved ones who have forgotten the line between work and personal life. It seems they do not have an off button and have no time for recreation for themselves. Another addition could be that the company one might be working for does not have set policies to support work-life balance, contributing to overwork.

7. Others Factors  

Other factors related to tipping off work-life balance could be stress and anxiety, making it hard to relax and chill after office hours. Trying to be perfect all the time also makes it difficult to disconnect. It makes you revisit your work and refine it again, even after office hours.

Tips to leave work at work 

Understanding the causes is not enough to make everything work. So here are some tips to strike a perfect work-life balance and truly leave work at work.

1. Mindfullness 

Indulging in mindfulness activities like breathing exercises or meditation can help you relax and regain touch with your surroundings when you return home. This will help you disconnect from the distractions and focus on the present moment.

To know more about mindfulness: Mindfulness and Meditation for Mental Well-being

2. Control Nagging Thoughts 

What happens at work often seeps into our consciousness, leaving us contemplating work issues. 
To let go of this issue, follow the below-mentioned points:

  • Close your eyes and let the thought pour in.
  • Take a deep breath and observe your thoughts.
  • Recognise how it is making you feel.
  • Thinking about the work issue, clutch your hands in a tight fist and take a deep breath.
  • Release the fist slowly while breathing out, and imagine the work issue leaving your body. This could   help you regain hold of yourself and help you stop thinking about office work.

3. Daily Dose of Humor 

Laughing releases feel-good hormones, which can help you relieve stress or any ruminating thoughts after work. Humor is possibly the cheapest accessible antidote to work-life balance. 
So watch those funny dog videos and switch to that comedy show you always wanted to watch.

4. Set Boundaries 

It is always wise to set boundaries and let people know you are unavailable after certain hours. Try logging off and turning off your office number. As you start to practice this, it will signal to your body that now is the time to relax, helping you quickly ease after work hours.

5. Seek Support 

Talk to your HR about the workload load you are facing or any issues related to work-life balance that are showing up. They can help you adjust your expectations and provide resources to deal with them. You can also talk to a mental health professional who could help you navigate the stressors.

Remember, the goal of anything in life is to strike a balance. Overwork will only lead to burnout and lower productivity. If you are in a job that requires you to be available, try to choose one or two days a week when you can unplug. Starting slow and making small changes can still have big effects on a personal and emotional level. Learn to separate your identity from what you do. Solh can be an effective tool for helping strike the perfect work-life balance.

Here's how Solh's features can serve as preventive support: 

Normalises Seeking Help: Solh combats the stigma connected with mental health by establishing a 
judgment-free zone. This can encourage someone battling with addiction to seek expert help.

Anonymous Support Groups: Connecting with those who understand your problem can be useful. Sharing experiences and realizing they are not alone can provide a great source of comfort and encouragement.  

Talk Now: When dealing with overwhelming emotions, have access to a counselor who can help guide you through any hiccup you face.

Clinical Support: The app's simple access to confidential consultations can be an excellent initial step for someone struggling with addiction who is hesitant to pursue traditional in-person therapy.

Other: Solh is a one-stop place for you to access and navigate different sources like audio, guides, and reading material to help you deal with any ongoing stressor. Solh also offers an Employee Wellness Program, which can be beneficial and fruitful.

To know more 

Download the Solh App now!