

Untold Solh | The Mental Toll of Modern Dating

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Untold Solh | The Mental Toll of Modern Dating

I always had a positive outlook on life and believed that I would find my soulmate one day. Being an introvert, it is a little difficult for me to meet new people and date. So I decided to download a dating app on a whim one day, thinking it might be a fun way to meet new people. Little did I know the impact it would have on my mental health.

The constant swiping, messaging, and ghosting took a toll on me. I would spend hours scrolling through profiles, only to be met with disappointment time and time again. The pressure to present myself in the best possible light on my profile was overwhelming. I found myself obsessing over every photo and word choice, trying to paint the perfect picture of who I thought people wanted me to be. It felt like I was putting on a facade just to attract potential suitors, rather than being true to myself.

As I started going on dates, I noticed a pattern emerging. The conversations were superficial, revolving around surface-level topics such as hobbies and interests. It felt like no one was truly interested in getting to know the real me. I began to question my worth and wondered if I would ever find someone who appreciated me for who I truly was.

The ghosting phenomenon became a common occurrence in my dating life. I would hit it off with someone, only to have them disappear without a trace. It made me feel disposable, like I was easily replaceable. Each unanswered message and unreturned phone impacted my self-esteem, leaving me feeling rejected and alone.

To make matters worse, I started comparing myself to others on social media. Seeing happy couples posting lovey-dovey photos only highlighted my own feelings of loneliness and inadequacy. It seemed like everyone else had found their happily ever after, while I was stuck in a cycle of disappointment and heartache. The constant validation-seeking behavior that comes with modern dating began to take a toll on my mental health. I found myself seeking external validation from others, rather than finding happiness within myself.

I started experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression as a result of my dating experiences. The constant rejection and disappointment left me feeling hopeless and defeated. I struggled to find joy in the things that once brought me happiness, and my self-confidence plummeted to an all-time low.

I realized that I needed to take a step back and reevaluate my approach to dating. I decided to delete the dating apps and take a break from the toxic dating culture that had consumed me. I focused on practicing self-care and self-love, prioritizing my mental health above all else.

Slowly, I began to heal. I started rediscovering the things that brought me joy and spent time nurturing my relationships with friends and family. I learned to appreciate myself for who I was, rather than trying to conform to society's unrealistic standards.

While the scars left by modern dating may never fully fade, I have emerged stronger and more resilient than ever before. I have learned valuable lessons about self-worth and self-love, and I am grateful for the opportunity to prioritize my mental health above all else. Though the journey was challenging, it ultimately led me to a place of healing and self-discovery.


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