

Untold Solh | Against All Odds: A Father's Journey Through Betrayal and Custody

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Untold Solh | Against All Odds: A Father's Journey Through Betrayal and Custody

Living with my girlfriend initially felt like a seamless mix of happiness and promise. Our life together seemed like a perfect blend of joy and companionship. Once, when I was out of the city, she called to tell me that she missed her period. Once I returned back to her, we went to the doctor and learned that she was four months pregnant, and we decided to keep the baby.

Despite our strained relationship, I discovered that she was cheating on me. The pandemic hit shortly after, adding more challenges to our lives. As her pregnancy progressed, there was a growing distance between us. Over time, I noticed that she seemed to care less about our relationship and the life growing inside

her. One day, the devastating truth came out, and I realised that all this while, she had been unfaithful to me. Even during the period of pregnancy, she had an affair with another guy. The realization that the woman I loved could betray me during such a vulnerable time left me shattered and heartbroken in ways I never thought possible. The incident left me grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. I needed time to process everything so we took a gap.

Despite my own pain, I continued to care for her and help with the chores, driven by a sense of responsibility for our unborn child.  Even though I was brutally shattered, I decided to forgive my girlfriend's wrongdoings for the sake of our baby. After a few months, we joyfully welcomed our beautiful daughter,

Elv. After Elv was born, we moved back to our hometown.

Things were going smoothly for a while, and we used to manage things collectively.
As we were living in hometown she used to visit her parents place every other month and one day when she was there, out of the blue, she called me to meet outside and when I reached there she was with someone else. I was shocked and devastated. They both tried to threaten me. I tried to talk to her, and when I could not find a possible resolution, I told her parents about us and Elv. But her parents also filed a false police case and made sordid allegations against me. They even took my daughter away.

I wasn’t about to let them ruin her life. I refused to give up on her. It was hard to

live without my daughter, and I used to miss Elv’s presence. I fought a year-long battle for her custody, enduring false allegations and threats along the way.

After 356 days of struggle, I finally won custody of my daughter. It was a long, arduous battle for me, but every smile she gave me made all the pain and hardship worth it. I am a proud father to Elv, and no matter what happens or where life takes us, I will always be by her side. She’s not just my daughter—she’s my reason for everything. I believe and convey through this platform that parenting is not confined to any specific gender. The ability to raise and nurture a child isn’t determined by whether one is a mother or a father. If a mother can have a deep, meaningful connection with her child, a father is equally capable of providing that same

level of care and devotion. Parenting is about love, friendship, commitment and responsibility, not gender.

~Viraaz Raynee

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