

Toxic Relationship: Signs and How to Heal

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Toxic Relationship: Signs and How to Heal

A toxic relationship is one that causes physical, mental, or emotional harm. The characteristics of fear, submission/domination, and dishonesty are what define toxic relationships. Your sense of self-worth, happiness, and perspective on yourself and the outside world are all contaminated by a toxic relationship. A toxic person will go through life leaving a path of shattered relationships, broken hearts, and broken people in their wake, but toxic relationships don't always end that way simply because the person you fell for later turned out to be toxic. Relationships may begin well, but as time goes on, negative emotions, a troubled past, or unfulfilled desires may develop, contaminating the bond between people. Even the strongest people can experience it; it can happen swiftly and easily.

Signs of a Toxic Relationship    

Only the person in the relationship can judge whether  a relationship's negative aspects exceed its positive ones. But it's probably a poisonous relationship if someone consistently jeopardizes another’s well being through their words, actions, or inaction.
Abuse in relationships, whether physical or verbal, is unquestionably destructive. However, there are other, less obvious indicators of a toxic relationship.

1. Feeling a toll on self-esteem over time.
2. Feeling unsupported, misunderstood, demanded or attacked.
3. Feeling  depressed, angry, or tired after speaking or being with the other person.

Overcoming Toxic Relationship    

Even after getting out of a toxic relationship, it is hard for individuals to overcome the flashbacks completely. Certain bad memories or habits stay with the person for a while, which is not healthy for their lifestyle. 

Also Read: Relationship Stress: Health effects & How to reduce

But there are ways to overcome Toxic Relationship completely:    

1. Process your feelings    

It can be incredibly hard and complicated to leave a bad relationship. It can give an initial feeling of freedom to a person, but it can also be very challenging at times. A relationship might be difficult to end. When you need to, allow yourself to be sad and experience your feelings. after allowing yourself the time and space to experience all of your necessary emotions. Your healing process may take longer if you attempt to suppress your feelings. The first step to beginning relationship recovery is allowing yourself time and space to feel and process your emotions.

2. Avoid Reaching out    

It might be very tempting to want to get in touch with an ex partner after going through a toxic relationship, especially one that lasted a long time. But it's frequently preferable to have some space and avoid all communication. A person can be dragged back into the poisonous tango with the former partner if the communication continues even after separation. There are beneficial ways for co-parenting with a person who is difficult to be around if there are children involved, and contact will inevitably occur.

3. Don’t Expect Closure    

Expecting a final statement or an apology from the toxic partner is generally not a good idea. Hoping to move on after a closure will certainly put the toxic person in a position of leverage over their partner.

4. Keep in touch with positive people    

Surrounding oneself with positive people is the best way to get out of a horrible past. Family, friends, a therapist, support groups, and other people can all be part of a support system. It may be very beneficial to be able to spend time with a person of trust.  Toxic relationships have a tendency to keep people apart, so it would be good to get in touch with long lost friends.

5. Acceptance    

It may be quite isolating to be in toxic relationships. Writing about experience in a private notebook as a way to digest everything before sharing with others can be beneficial. Speaking with a therapist or a trusted friend/family member is the next stage of opening up about the past and accepting it gracefully. Your story is significant, but it's frequently much more significant to be prepared and willing to share it with others.

6. Forgiveness    

Forgiveness is the best way to overcome a disastrous past. It doesn’t matter if the other person was eligible for forgiveness or not, the mental peace matters most. While forgiveness encourages you to evolve beyond who you were, anger shrinks you from the inside.


It's necessary to put your health and wellbeing first when coping with any kind of toxic relationship. As a result, if you're dealing with someone who saps your happiness and vitality, think about getting rid of them or, at the very least, cutting back on your time spent with them. And seek immediate assistance if you are the victim of physical or emotional abuse. 

At Solh Wellness, we recognize the significance of mental health, which is why we've curated a range of powerful self-help tools designed to enhance your mental well-being. Our expert therapists can help you identify a taxic relationship and save you from the abuse. All you need to do is book a relationship therapy and let us assist you.