

The Digital Dilemma: Social Media and Its Impact on Youth Mental Health

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The Digital Dilemma: Social Media and Its Impact on Youth Mental Health

The use of social media among young people has become a significant concern nowadays. It's clear that many youths are deeply engaged in it, almost living their lives through it. The main reason for taking pictures now is to share them on various social media platforms. The idea of creating genuine memories seems to have faded away. 

This has led to another prominent topic of discussion: the contrast between reel life (online) and real life. People often showcase an idealized version of their lives on social media. These posts typically feature smiles and portray an enjoyable existence. However, this practice can mislead those who follow them, making them believe that everyone around them is thriving while they themselves are struggling. This perception can contribute to increased feelings of sadness. To counter this, a new trend has emerged where people are encouraged to share their own challenges. While this marks a positive step, it's just the beginning of addressing these issues.

Everything might seem okay if these issues didn't affect young people's mental health. Unfortunately, that's not the reality – the consequences are quite negative. The impact on them is undesirable, primarily because some individuals exploit social media to share private pictures or conversations of others that should remain confidential. Hacking of accounts and subsequent misuse for blackmailing has become distressingly common. Tragically, this has even resulted in cases of suicide, and for those who have managed to survive such incidents, the toll on their mental well-being has been significant.

In addition to the mentioned issues, young people are becoming increasingly dependent on their social media existence. To the extent that living without their mobile phones has become a significant challenge. This phenomenon has given rise to a new concern, FOMO, or the fear of missing out. This concept revolves around individuals who are addicted to social media, constantly fearing that if they don't check their accounts every moment, they might overlook something important that's currently trending. This absence could potentially lead to feelings of embarrassment within their social circles.

Here are some suggestions to help young individuals navigate through social media challenges:

  • Establish Boundaries: It's crucial to set limits on your social media usage. Aim to spend a limited number of hours each day on these platforms and take regular breaks from your devices to maintain a healthy balance.
  • Choose Your Connections Wisely: Be discerning about who you follow. Stick with individuals who uplift and encourage you. If certain accounts contribute to negativity, consider unfollowing them.
  • Take Periodic Breaks: Take short breaks from social media if you're feeling overwhelmed. Stepping away for a few days can clear your mind and allow you to return with a refreshed perspective.
  • Emphasize the Positive: While using social media, focus on uplifting posts and stories. Avoid dwelling on negative content and instead seek out positive and inspiring content.
  • Reality Check: Remember that social media portrays a selective view of life. What you see is often the highlights, not the whole picture. Keep in mind that it doesn't reflect real-life experiences accurately.
  • Seek Support: If social media becomes challenging, confide in a trusted adult like a parent, teacher, or counselor. They can guide you in developing strategies to manage social media-related difficulties.


Excessive social media use impacts youth negatively, distorting reality, causing privacy breaches, and fostering dependency. Solutions include setting limits, selective connections, breaks, focusing on positive content, and seeking guidance. Collectively, we must promote healthy online habits to safeguard youth well-being.

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