

Streffie at India Mobile Congress 2024: Measuring Stress in Real-Time

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Streffie at India Mobile Congress 2024: Measuring Stress in Real-Time

At the India Mobile Congress 2024, we unveiled a game-changing innovation in stress monitoring—Streffie, our AI-powered tool that measures stress in real-time using facial recognition technology. What we discovered during those two days was truly fascinating.  

On Day 1 (15th Oct), we measured the stress levels of 97 attendees, and the average stress score was 0.64. On Day 2 (16th Oct), we expanded our reach, measuring the stress levels of 192 people, and noticed an increase to 0.70. This rise in stress from Day 1 to Day 2 has us asking some crucial questions: Was the larger crowd on Day 2 making people more anxious? Did the fatigue and information overload from back-to-back sessions take a toll? Or were other factors at play?  

Streffie is designed to provide answers to those questions by turning these stress scores into actionable insights. It doesn’t just measure stress—it digs deep to understand the underlying causes, whether it’s crowd dynamics, environmental triggers, or simply the impact of a long, event-packed day. With Streffie, we’re moving from guesswork to data-driven understanding.  

But that’s just the beginning. Streffie is built to continuously learn and evolve. Every interaction with its AI system makes it smarter, more intuitive, and better equipped to identify stress patterns and triggers. It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution—it’s a tool that adapts to each individual, each environment, and each new situation to provide personalized insights that are both meaningful and practical.  

Now, let’s take it a step further—imagine Streffie not just at conferences, but integrated within organizations, seamlessly working within the Solh Wellness platform, combining the power of self-help tools, AI-powered support, community engagement, and expert guidance—all available 24/7. With Streffie's stress metrics feeding directly into Solh Wellness, organizations can gain a detailed view of their team's mental health, creating a real-time pulse check that highlights areas of stress and offers immediate interventions.  

Solh Wellness is on the path to transform organizational mental health. It provides not just reactive solutions like counseling but proactive, AI-driven, self-help tools that can be customized to each individual’s needs. This means that organizations won’t just be responding to mental health crises—they’ll be preventing them, using data-driven insights to create a healthier, more resilient workplace.  

If you are worried about your organization or have been burnt by the pointless therapy focused mental health platforms working with less than 1% of your people, join us as we build the foundation for a revolution in understanding, measuring, and improving mental health at both individual and organizational levels. With our combined power, we can make mental wellness not just an option, but a measurable, actionable goal for your organization. The future of mental health is here, and it's driven by technology, AI, and the transformative capabilities of Streffie and Solh Wellness.