

Sleep Deprivation: Symptoms, Issues and Prevention

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Sleep Deprivation: Symptoms, Issues and Prevention

If your busy schedule does not let you sleep enough then it is time to think. Streamline all activities at the earliest to escape the harsh effects of sleep deprivation. Lack of sleeping hours causes different kinds of health issues to compromise upon multiple terms.  

A better quality of sleep will translate into a better quality of life. Sleep experts consider sleep deprivation a big problem and they also have categorized this problem depending on the circumstances.

  • Acute Sleep Deprivation: It refers to no sleep or reduction in total sleep time usually 1-2 days.
  • Chronic Sleep Deprivation: It is a condition when one person does not sleep enough for consecutive days.
  • Chronic Sleep Deficiency or Insufficient Sleep: During this condition, a person does not sleep enough for weeks or even months.

Symptoms of Sleep Deprivation     

It is easy to identify whether a person is suffering with sleep deprivation or not. Actually, a person shows below mentioned symptoms while suffering from the same.

  • Excessive daytime sleep
  • Reduced concentration
  • Slower thinking
  • Mood changes
  • Feeling extremely tired
  • Continuous drowsiness
  • Experiencing hard time staying awake
  • Reduced attention
  • Worsened memory
  • Poor or risky decision-making
  • Lack of energy

What Issues Sleep Deprivation Can Trigger?     

It is very important to enjoy quality sleep at night on a regular basis. Continuous lack of sleep put you at stake upon developing a number of issues including:  

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Poor balance
  • Diabetes
  • Low sex drive
  • Risk of heart disease
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Weakened immunity
  • Immunodeficiency
  • Hormonal abnormalities
  • Pain
  • Mental health disorders

Prevention of Sleep Deprivation     

The best way to keep this problem aside is to ensure adequate sleep every day. Amount of sleep spans to 7-9 hours for adults aged between 18 to 64.
Sleep deprivation is a normal issue and can be easily prevented with few changes in sleep habits. Few common steps to consider are:  

  • Stop taking long daytime naps
  • Limit caffeine intake
  • Consider early to bed, early to rise rule on daily basis
  • Remain more careful during weekends/holidays
  • Try specific relaxing activity like reading/meditating
  • Avoid heavy dinners
  • Reduce screen-time before bed
  • Try physical activities during daytime
  • Reduce alcohol intake and quit smoking


If you are persistently suffering with this problem and looking for the best treatment then consult an experienced mental care specialist. 
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