

Preventive Measures for Pregnancy related Mental Health Disorders

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Preventive Measures for Pregnancy related Mental Health Disorders
  • Pregnancy is a complex and challenging experience that can take a toll on a woman's physical and mental health. The hormonal changes, physical discomforts, and the anticipation of becoming a parent can create significant stress and anxiety for the mother-to-be. These challenges can sometimes lead to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. These conditions can negatively impact both the mother and the baby's well-being, and it's essential to take preventive measures to improve mental health before things get worse.

Mental Health Issues that Pregnant Women face      

During the time of pregnancy the mood swings and the feeling of sadness are common but long term sadness can result in several mental health issues. Some of the common mental health issues that a pregnant woman face are: 

  • Perinatal depression: Depression that occurs during pregnancy or within the first year after giving birth. It is estimated to affect up to 20% of women during pregnancy and up to 15% of women postpartum.
  • Postpartum depression (PPD): A type of depression that occurs after childbirth and affects up to 1 in 7 women. Symptoms include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, guilt, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and loss of interest in activities.
  • Anxiety: Anxiety disorders that occur during pregnancy or within the first year after giving birth can affect up to 20% of women during pregnancy and up to 10% of women postpartum.
  • Bipolar disorder: A serious mental illness that can cause extreme mood swings, including episodes of mania and depression. It can also occur during pregnancy and postpartum.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): A type of anxiety disorder characterized by unwanted, intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. It can also occur during pregnancy and postpartum.

Preventive Mental Health Measures during Pregnancy      

It is important to take preventive health measures during the time of pregnancy before things get worse. At Solh Wellness we aim to provide the best preventive mental heath solutions to the people at ease of access and affordable pricing. Some of the preventive mental health measures that Solh Wellness suggests are: 

  • Regular prenatal care: Consistent prenatal care can help to identify and address mental health issues early on, as well as provide education and support to women and their families.
  • Exercise: Physical activity has been shown to improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Pregnant women should consult with their healthcare provider to find safe exercise options during pregnancy.
  • Healthy diet: Eating a well-balanced diet can support both physical and mental health during pregnancy.
  • Support from family and friends: A strong support system can help to reduce stress and improve mental health during pregnancy.
  • Education and information: Access to education and information about pregnancy and childbirth can help women feel more prepared and confident, which may reduce anxiety and stress.
  • Mindfulness and relaxation techniques: Mindfulness and relaxation practices like meditation and deep breathing can help to reduce stress and promote a sense of calm during pregnancy.
  • Counseling and therapy: Women experiencing mental health challenges during pregnancy may benefit from counseling or therapy to manage their symptoms and improve their mental health.


Taking preventive measures to improve mental health during pregnancy is important because it can negatively affect both the mother and baby. By getting regular prenatal care, exercising, eating a healthy diet, and seeking counseling or therapy, pregnant women can reduce risks and ensure positive outcomes for themselves and their babies.

If you’re someone or know someone who is going through a similar phase in life and want to apply preventive mental health solutions in their daily life then get connected with Solh Wellness. We strive to provide the best preventive mental health solutions for the visitors on our platform at ease of access. Download the Solh App and take a step towards your better mental health and better life.