

How to Deal with Toxic Parents

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How to Deal with Toxic Parents

For every child, their parents are the source of a safe space and their guiding lights. Our parents are supposed to be the pillars of support and strength, emanating unconditional love for us. They are part of the foundational phase where we learn the values like respect and care in relationships. However, what happens when those who should support and protect us become the source of fear and emotional turmoil? Instead of building them up as strong individuals, toxic parents may hurt their children- physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Toxic parental relationships can have profound emotional impacts on the lives of children. If you think you are trapped in a cycle of negativity and pain with your parents, it's essential to know you are not alone. It is imperative to understand the importance of addressing the toxic behaviors of your parents and overcoming them.

In this blog, we will uncover the traits you must identify to be aware of if you are also dealing with negative patterns of toxic parenting. Recognising negative patterns can help you break away from them and facilitate healing.

Here is your comprehensive guide to overcoming the trap of toxic parenting:

What do you mean by toxic parenting?  

"Toxic parenting" refers to a broad range of behaviors undermining a child's sense of self-worth, stability, and mental well-being. Toxic parents are characterized by their controlling and manipulative nature. The actions and behaviors of toxic parents can have severe and lasting impacts on a child's overall well-being and development.

Dealing with toxic parents can be increasingly challenging as an individual often becomes a victim of their abusive and harsh actions. Toxic behaviors of parenting are also characterized by their deceiving nature, as toxicity is not always about 'obvious' abuse. Subtle acts like emotional manipulation and verbal belittlement also have equal lasting impacts on a child's emotional well-being and overall sense of identity and well-being. Toxic parenting, directly or indirectly, imposes controlling and demanding conduct on their children, putting them at risk of physical and emotional health issues following them into their adulthood.

Toxic parenting can rob an individual of their self-worth, also putting their child at risk of getting entangled in the cycle of pain and abuse where they can become perpetrators from being a victim. Therefore, the need to identify the patterns of toxic parental behaviors cannot be stressed much. In the next section, you can find the patterns you can spot to address them in a timely manner.

What are the patterns and behaviors of toxic parenting  

Before understanding the tips and strategies to come out of this negative cycle of pain and abuse, it is essential to understand the patterns of toxic parenting. Understanding the patterns can help address them as and when required. Toxic parenting manifests in the following ways:

Manipulation and control  

Parents may use different forms of manipulation, like guilt and shame, to have control over their child's actions. Controlling parents often refuse to provide the space and freedom with time for their children to mature and explore their ways in life. Such parents expect their child to adopt their vision of how things are and how they should be. By refusing to allow them agency, controlling parents tend to interfere in the natural development of a child into becoming an independent adult. If you are an adult and feel your parents try to control your views and actions, it is time to evaluate your relationship with them.

Emotional Abuse  

The behaviors and actions of toxic parents can leave a lasting emotional and psychological impact on a child. Emotional abuse in toxic parenting includes persistent criticism, threats, and bellitement of a child without taking their needs into consideration. The emotional abuse includes:

Constant disregarding of a child's feeling: One feature of toxic parenting is prioritizing their own needs and feelings over their children's. This 'selfish' approach to parenting often ends up neglecting their own child's needs, making them feel unseen or unheard. 

Disregarding a child's self-worth: Acts of constant criticism, disrespect, verbal belittlement, or even undermining their ideas and opinions can severely impact a child's self-worth. Such parents make their children feel bad and guilty about themselves. This may also include Dismissing or trivializing your feelings. 

Physical abuse   

Physical Abuse: Physical Abuse includes any form of bodily harm or threat which is inflicted on a child. Toxic parents can become violent with their children. They might engage in violent activities like hitting or choking a child under the pretext of teaching them a lesson. Physical abuse can equally have a lasting impact on the physical and emotional well-being of a child in the long run.

Violating boundaries  

Maintaining healthy boundaries is essential in every relationship. However, toxic parents do not respect their children's boundaries. They may disregard their personal space and ignore their need for independence by controlling their behavior and time.


If you think that your parents engage in any of the above, then it's time to address their toxic parenting patterns and overcome them. Here are the ways you can adopt to overcome toxic parenting:

Ways to Overcome Toxic Parenting  

Overcoming toxic parenting is critical and crucial at the same time to protect yourself from any physical and emotional challenge or abuse. Here are the ways you adopt for your better mental well-being:

Setting Healthy Boundaries  

It is crucial to set boundaries with parents who inflict toxic behavioral patterns on their children. Establish clear boundaries and let your parents know about them. Communicate clearly what is acceptable and what is not for you. Be firm and consistent in your effort to form and maintain these boundaries. You can also create emotional boundaries by choosing to share less or talk less whenever needed. If the interactions with your toxic parents are becoming increasingly toxic, cut off or limit your communication with them.

Seeking support  

Remind yourself that you are not alone in all this, and this is the first crucial step towards moving towards your healing journey. Dealing with toxic parents can be painful and challenging at the same time. Therefore, you should reach out to those who care for and support you. Confide in people you trust and those who understand your situation. You can also connect with people going through similar challenges to share your feelings and ask them ways to overcome it. Consider adding a therapist to your support community. They can help you process your emotions and heal.  

Prioritizing self-care  

Enough of neglecting yourself because of your toxic parents. Self-care is something you should engage in to take active steps for your well-being. Focus on what rejuvenates you and re-energize your spirit. Prioritize your self-care by taking time for activities like meditation, journaling, or reading. Engage yourself in some hobbies. Validate your emotions and overcome your fears with repeated affirmations and support from your loved ones. 

Toxic parenting behaviors can have negative impacts on an individual and have the ability to hamper the personal development of an individual in the long run. However, you don't have to remain stuck and entangled within the clutches of toxic parenting, which does not let you grow and thrive. You can always reach out and confide in people there to support and guide you. Do not try to undermine your feelings; never let yourself feel that you are not worthy or cannot do things. With your inner will, the proper guidance, and persistent efforts, you can untangle yourself from the chains of negative parenting. You can always think of taking professional help if things get overwhelmingly challenging for you at any time.

And always remind yourself that you are not alone!

In such overwhelming situations, it is important to practice self-control to prevent these challenges from overpowering your inner will. Self-control demands patience and consistent effort. It is not a single-day achievement but a long-term dedication to self-improvement and growth. As we develop the ability to exercise self-control and make thoughtful decisions, we can eventually improve our ability to perform and function.

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Anonymous Support Groups: Connecting with those who understand your problem can be useful. Sharing experiences and realizing they are not alone can provide a great source of comfort and encouragement.  

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Clinical Support: The app's simple access to confidential consultations can be an excellent initial step for someone struggling to achieve goals who is hesitant to pursue traditional in-person therapy.

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