

Effective Stress Management Strategies for Marginalized Communities

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Effective Stress Management Strategies for Marginalized Communities

Stigma is a harmful practice that unfairly devalues individuals simply for belonging to a particular group that is devalued in society. This can lead to discrimination, especially towards minorities of different religions or ethnicities. Those with a mental illness are often stigmatized and treated differently from other chronic conditions, despite being rooted in genetics and biology. This is known as behavioral health stigma, which can cause shame, prejudice, or discrimination toward those with mental health conditions. It is essential to raise awareness and fight against stigmatization to create a more inclusive and accepting society.

The harmful effects of being discriminated     

Marginalized groups, including racial and sexual minorities, experience daily stress due to prejudice, discrimination, and racism. Stigma discredits, isolates, and creates fear toward those with certain conditions. Discrimination affects access to treatment and reimbursement and may also affect other areas of life, inducing stress. Discrimination can have a dual impact, pushing individuals to overcome the Stigma or causing adverse effects such as low self-esteem, anxiety, and lower performance.

Fighting Stigma by spreading awareness    

To create a more inclusive and supportive environment for individuals with behavioral health conditions, using non-stigmatizing language in internal and external communications is essential. The person-first language emphasizes a person's humanity and reduces negative stereotypes. Additionally, neurodiversity, including behavioral health conditions, should be included in an expanded diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda. This can be achieved by creating a supportive workplace that prioritizes mental wellness and offers flexibility and customization to overcome barriers.

The Daily Habits to improve    

Victims of discrimination may resort to unhealthy behaviors such as overeating, smoking, drinking excessively, and using drugs to cope with their discredited identity. To address these habits, individuals should start by evaluating their stressors and considering ways to alter, avoid, adapt, or accept them using the 4As method. However, managing stress is a process that requires patience and experimentation to find effective strategies. If anxiety affects one's daily habits and overall well-being, it's essential to seek help from a physician. Maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle is crucial by prioritizing healthy eating habits, sleep, and personal hygiene.


It is essential to reach out if you're facing discrimination and having mental problems because of it. 

At Solh Wellness, we provide a range of mental health solutions that are personalized according to the stimuli of individuals. A step towards better mental health by learning how to cope with daily problems. Download the Solh Wellness App and feel the change in your life.