

Thinking Hats: Learn Your Decision-Making Style

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Thinking Hats: Learn Your Decision-Making Style

Have you ever had to make a really tough decision? Maybe you've always wondered why you look at problems differently than other people. If you do, well, welcome to the world of decision-making! 

In addition, one needs a decision-making style to make better choices and achieve goals more effectively. In this blog, we will discuss the "Thinking Hats" concept by Edward de Bono and provide some tips to help you make better decisions.  

The Six Thinking Hats 

Edward de Bono developed the Six Thinking Hats, a decision-making technique in which each hat represents a different thinking style. This technique helps one approach problem-solving decision-making from different angles. Let's explore all six thinking hats. 

White Hat 

It is a white hat that focuses on data, facts, and information. A person with an analytical decision-making style naturally goes with this hat because they always rely on practical evidence and logical reasoning to make better decisions. 

Red Hat 

It symbolizes emotions and gut feelings. Intuitive decision-makers usually rely on intuition and emotions rather than analytical reasoning. 

Black Hat 

Black Hat is about caution and critical thinking. People with this style are invaluably crucial in risk management because they recognize pitfalls and adverse outcomes. 

Yellow Hat 

This hat is all about positivity and benefits. Individuals looking for positives within a situation fall into this category. This Yellow hat tends to approach decision-making with an optimistic outlook. 

Green Hat 

The green hat inspires creativity and innovation. It develops a mindset of thinking outside the box. Decision-makers who successfully generate new ideas and analyze possibilities align with this hat. 

Blue Hat 

Blue Hat is all about managing the thinking process itself. It calls for people who like structure and organization in their decision-making skills, emphasizing an organized and controlled thinking process. 

Knowing and utilizing these techniques will help you develop better decision-making processes. 

How to apply the Thinking Hats in Real Life 

You can also practice these Six Thinking Hats techniques in real life. You can incorporate this methodology for personal decision-making and group dynamics in various ways. Here are the following examples: 

Personal Decision Making 

For instance, you may have to make a tough personal decision, such as considering changing jobs. In this case, you can wear the Six Thinking Hats by making or considering the decision from multiple perspectives. For instance, you may be wearing the green hat to creatively think over the opportunity and change into the yellow hat to consider the new job's benefits. 

Group Dynamics 

The Six Thinking Hats allow consideration of different perspectives to ensure that a team or group decision-making process takes place. By letting different team members 'wear' different hats, you can encourage the fullest exploration of ideas and options or the possible outcomes. This will help increase your team's potential for enhanced decision-making and problem-solving.  

The Importance of Flexibility 

Flexibility is essential for success in a continuously changing world. Let's focus on its importance. 


Being adaptive in this fast-changing world is an important issue. It helps us wear different hats to get into different styles of thinking. Besides, it does not stick with one hat or style of thinking since each situation may need its technique. Adaptability allows us to cross different hurdles and succeed in many different settings. 

Balanced Decision Making 

Multiple hats can, therefore, lead to balanced decisions, taking into consideration various points of view. This helps avoid preferences and narrow thinking for the betterment of the outcome. A switch of hat perspectives will easily lead to more informed decisions that take into consideration various factors that show up. 

Practical Tips 

With different hats, one can switch to a different outlook while deciding with less hassle. This may affect role-playing or, more actively, the seeking of different perspectives before making a choice. Such conscious practices train us to approach the problem from different perspectives, widening our clear decision-making.  


The 6 Thinking Hats is one of the most useful techniques that can greatly help in decision-making. It forces participants to look at a problem from various perspectives. This technique reduces bias, increases creativity, and brings about a proper balance between emotion and logic. It also helps in evaluating the risks and benefits that may come with a certain decision. 

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