

Celebrating Independence Day by Practicing Personal Wellbeing

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Celebrating Independence Day by Practicing Personal Wellbeing

Independence Day has a powerful message centred on celebration and happiness. Also, it is the 78th Independence Day Celebration for our country that we have worked tirelessly to achieve, but it also is a time to think about what freedom means at an individual level.    

Although it is important to remember those who gave their lives for their country, we should also honour our personal release—especially in relation to mental health. A nation thrives on the freedom of its people, while individuals thrive when they are free from any form of psychological disorder, emotional disturbance or strain.   

This blog explores how national freedom and personal liberty interrelate and why mental wellbeing needs to be given priority during the celebration of independence day.   

Another Approach to Freedom   

When we think about freedom in general, the first aspect that comes to mind is often political: freedom of speech, association and persecution. They are the bedrock of a democratic society.    

Besides, the domain of freedom is personal and psychological, which relates to authenticity, independence in thinking and feeling, as well as action without internal conflicts such as anxiety, depression or burnout. Our struggles for mental health are akin to our fight for national liberation at large.    

Similarly to our ancestors’ efforts towards liberation from colonialists, today’s individuals suffer from numerous mental illness bondages. Independence has ceased being a mere historical clash; it has gone into one’s very being.   

Commonalities between Personal and National Liberation   

Personal liberation is not a quick fix, just like national action taken towards independence- both require constant alertness and awareness changing over time. Just as nations must protect their sovereignty, individuals must safeguard their mental wellbeing. Independence Day serves as an important reminder that while our commitment to freedom has been won, it is never finally attained.   

Group Struggle/Personal Struggle   

The collective battle for national independence mirrors the experiences we have as individuals. Our journey toward mental wellbeing- from facing workplace pressures to navigating personal relationships and dealing with hidden subconscious problems- is a fight for freedom. Like a nation guarding its borders, people have to establish and maintain boundaries that protect their mental territories.   

Community Support   

Independence was not achieved by individuals working alone but by communities working towards a common goal. In the same manner, personal liberation from mental anguish often requires the assistance of others—friends, family members, psychotherapists or self-help groups. Independence Day serves as a reminder that community building and positive influence are as vital in national development as it is in personal change.   


In the same way that a nation must be alert to its sovereignty, individuals should also be watchful of their mental wellbeing. This entails recognizing stress signs, burnout or any other mental health problem and addressing it before it gets worse. Whether it is at national level or in our daily lives, freedom is not easy.   

Why Mental Health Matters on Independence Day   

Mental health should, therefore, become central during Independence Day because this reminds us why we need liberties in different forms. We should celebrate our freedom as a country while cultivating our own personal freedoms – the capacity to live in a state of emotional and psychological balance.   

Rest and Refresh   

The struggles of life are interfering with people’s mental capacities. Independence day gives them opportunity to relax from work and stress through slowing down and gathering energy. Taking some ‘me’ time through nature, being around loved ones or just alone could do well for your self-care hence favoring your mental health for long-term basis.   

Remember the Spirit of Independence   

As a nation, we celebrate our independence with parades and fireworks, but let this be a reminder that freedom includes the power to control how you spend each day. This free spirit should also apply to our mental health. Valuing mental wellbeing is essential—it strengthens both our nation and our personal lives.   

6 Ways to Prioritize Mental Health on Independence Day   

Below are some practical ways to utilize Independence Day for your mental health:   

1. Go Offline and Disconnect: Stop using technology, mobile phones, and social media. Being always connected is tiring, while digital detox can rejuvenate your mind.   

2. Practice Mindfulness: Involve yourself in mindfulness activities such as meditating or taking deep breaths. Mindful people have reduced stress levels and clearer minds.   

3. Create a Support System: Surround yourself with loved ones, family members, and friends. Positive interactions with other people can work wonders on your mood.   

4. Exercise: Exercising has both physical and mental advantages. Exercise boosts moods, reduces stress levels hence be it walking in the park, riding bicycle or swimming.   

5. Savor and Journal: Take time to enjoy what you experience everyday day by writing them down. The process of journaling helps in exploring emotions related to mental health problems .   

6. Be Proud of Yourself: Like we celebrate our country on Independence Day, take a moment to appreciate even the smallest achievement ever made. Recognizing what one has done well may lead one to feel empowered and re-energized again.   


Independence Day reminds us of freedom at two different levels –national as well as individual independence. May we remember the fight that led to the freedom of this nation but also celebrate healing from emotional constraint during this period.   

The key is to start small, be consistent and remember that taking care of yourself will ultimately help you better take care of those who depend on you.   

Embarking on the journey of self care is about making continuous efforts to connect with yourself and build meaningful connections with others. Solh can be your supportive companion on this path.Feeling difficult to start your journey of self care?    

Solh understands. We offer a variety of features to help you invest in self-care.   

Journaling for Self-Reflection: Sometimes,not being able to care for yourself can come from a lack of self-understanding. Solh's journaling feature allows you to explore your thoughts and feelings in a safe space. By reflecting on your experiences and desires, you can gain clarity on what is stopping you from self-care.   

Anonymous Support Groups: You are not alone. Solh's anonymous support groups connect you with others who understand the struggle. Share your experiences, find comfort in solidarity, and discover new perspectives on overcoming the hurdle to indulge in self-care.   

Solh Buddy: Feeling lost or disconnected? Your Solh Buddy, a personalized virtual companion, is here to provide encouragement and support along the way. It can offer prompts, celebrate your victories, and remind you of your strengths as you navigate the journey towards self care.   

Talk now: Sometimes self care can make you feel overwhelmed. Solh’s talk now feature gives you access to dedicated counselors to help you navigate such situations.    

Solh believes in a unique approach to introducing self-care. We empower you to take charge of your well-being by offering a variety of tools. Explore Solh today and discover the power of self-reflection, connection, and support in overcoming any problem of the mind. You are not alone on this path.