

Building Resilience: Strategies for Healing After Suicide Loss

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Building Resilience: Strategies for Healing After Suicide Loss

The aftermath of losing someone to suicide can be overwhelming. It is a deeply personal journey which brings a mix of emotions: shock, guilt, anger, profound sadness, and confusion. Understanding that these feelings are a natural response to such a traumatic loss is an essential first step in healing.

Being Resilient

Although there is no roadmap for life, everyone will come across challenges along the way, from little setbacks to major life-changing experiences, like death of a loved one, divorce, financial issues, job loss, and illness.

Resilience is the ability that helps people to successfully adapt to difficult or challenging experiences in life - it means being able to cope with difficult life events and bounce back afterwards. Resilient people find an approach to adapt, process their emotions, and keep going after their goals instead of allowing setbacks, terrible experiences, or failure to break them and weaken their will.

Importance of Resilience in Navigating Grief

Being resilient enables us to overcome obstacles and have faith in our ability to succeed. It's important to have a resilient mindset in every aspect of life, including your professional and personal life. While challenges can arise in different domains and at different times, developing your overall resilience will help you to cope with any challenges that may arise.
When someone in your life has suddenly passed by suicide, the emotions that arise may be too much to comprehend. The grief and trauma associated with suicide can be overwhelming, leading to various emotional and psychological challenges; a single traumatic experience can take a toll on one’s mental health.

Tips to Become More Resilient

  • Get connected: Build strong and positive relationships with your friends and family who can provide the needed support in good and bad times. Focus on finding trustworthy and compassionate individuals who validate your feelings.
  • Make every day meaningful: Do something that gives you a sense of accomplishment and purpose every day. Set clear, achievable goals to help you look toward the future with meaning.
  • Practice mindfulness: Mindful journaling, yoga, or meditation can also help people build connections and restore hope. Being mindful helps you reflect on positive aspects of your life and recall the things you’re grateful for.
  • Take care of your body: Tend to your own needs and feelings. Participate in activities and hobbies you enjoy. Include physical activity in your daily routine. Get plenty of sleep and eat a healthy diet.
  • Be proactive: Don’t ignore your problems, it’s helpful to acknowledge and accept your emotions during difficult times. Figure out what needs to be done, make a plan and implement it.


Healing from the loss of a loved one to suicide is an immensely challenging journey. Resilience can play a crucial role in this process, offering a pathway toward understanding, coping, and eventually finding a sense of peace amidst the pain.

Solh Wellness is here to support you with a comprehensive set of tools to help you develop resilience and advance on your journey towards mental well-being. Our offerings include self help and community support tools, as well as expert services from certified mental health professionals. Remember, healing is a journey; give yourself time to find your balance.