

5 Challenges Faced by the LGBTQIA+ Community

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5 Challenges Faced by the LGBTQIA+ Community

"Life has been really tough for me. I experienced a lot of pain during my childhood and adolescence. I always knew I was a good and unique person, but I was physically and emotionally hurt. Even now, I still feel trapped by my past."- Identity concealed. 

"I will scream at the top of my lungs that I'm a proud lesbian, but there was once a time I was battling with so much internalized homophobia I couldn't even say it out loud."- Identity concealed. 

"I'm now in my 40's but didn't come out as gay until I was in my mid 20's. The truth is I didn't know. I was so programmed by our heteronormative society that I didn't think outside of it."- Identity concealed. 

These are just a few comments that were posted very loosely over social media. But, it does get us thinking that we live in a free world with great advances over the years and still, in this 'modern world', we fail to understand (a far concept) but at least accept and let people be whoever they wish to be. As of 2024, homosexuality is illegal in 64 nations worldwide. Asia, Africa, and the Middle East are home to the most of them. For discreet, consenting same-sex sexual conduct, the death penalty is applied in 12 nations, or at the very least, it is a possibility. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Brunei, Mauritania, Pakistan, Qatar, UAE, and Uganda are among these nations. Through this blog, we will try to understand a few challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community and, as the proponents of 'modern thinking', try to keep an open mind. 

In recent years, the LGBTQ+ community has made tremendous progress towards equality. But prejudice and discrimination still exist, which presents a number of difficulties for those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer. In the summer of 2018, three bodies were discovered in the Sabarmati River in Ahmedabad, a city in western India's Gujarat state. Two women-Asha Thakor, 30, and Bhavna Thakor, 28, died by suicide, together with Asha's three-year-old daughter. Before jumping into the water, the two women wrote a message in red lipstick on a wall along the river. "We are leaving the world which will never allow us to be one." Both women married men and had children. A police inquiry eventually revealed that they had met at a company where they both worked. Their friendship quickly developed into a relationship, resulting in numerous confrontations within both families. They wanted to live their lives together. But they had no social or legal justification to do so. 

A few of such problems are faced by the LGBTQ+ community :                

Prejudice in public services, housing, work and healthcare; Discrimination and Violence: People who identify as LGTBI are more likely to face prejudice in the public services, housing, work and the healthcare sector. This can lead to financial difficulty, social isolation and a lack of adequate resources. There is also an ever-present threat of violence and aggression, as transgender people are disproportionately victims of physical attack.

Mental Health Disparities: Stigma about being LGBTQ+ can make a big impact on mental health. Studies show the LGBTQ+ community has higher rates of anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideations in both kids and adults than the general population. A lack of culturally competent mental health care exacerbates these issues.

Lack of representation: In the media, in politics, and in other institutions. There are times when the situation becomes such that very few members of the LGBTQ + participate, which is a terrible position. This lack of visibility causes them to feel alone and left behind - further perpetuating the feelings of invisibility and isolation.

Legal and Policy: Though a few people say same-sex marriage is now legal in many countries and in many countries, LGBTQ+ people are protected from discrimination, LGBTQ+ rights are still very inexplicable. Legislative battles over transgender rights, adoption rights, and restroom access are breeding fear and uncertainty.

Coming Out and Family Acceptance: Accepting your sexual orientation or gender identity can be a difficult journey. You will also struggle to find your emotions; you will question social norms, you will fight against a society that may not accept you. This kind of inner battle can cause you to become reclusive and feel pitfalls in your quest for the excitement and fulfillment of true love.

A Global Issues: The lived experiences of LGBTQ+ people vary greatly depending on where they live. In many regions of the world, homosexuality is still illegal. LGBTQ+ individuals in these places face constant persecution, threats of violence, and a daily struggle for survival. Even in countries with more progressive legal systems, social stigma and discrimination remain deeply ingrained. LGBTQ+ people may encounter prejudice in areas like employment, housing, and healthcare. This creates a constant undercurrent of tension and fear, even when legal protections exist.


Despite all these challenges, the LGBTQ+ community has made tremendous efforts and has been resilient when facing any difficulty.

Here are some positive developments:                

Enhanced Visibility: There's a positive shift happening – the LGBTQ+ community has stepped out of the shadows and into the mainstream media. We see them as characters in books we read, the TV shows we binge-watch, and the movies and Netflix series we watch. This visibility in the field of entertainment is more than just entertainment; it's a powerful tool for breaking stereotypes and fostering a more inclusive society. By seeing characters who reflect their own experiences, LGBTQ+ youth can feel validated and empowered. It allows straight allies to walk a mile in someone else's shoes, fostering empathy and understanding. This increased visibility paves the way for a world where LGBTQ+ identities are not just tolerated but celebrated.

Greater Community Support: Your home should be a safe haven, and you should be comfortable to be yourself with no regard for anyone to judge you. Well, that goes with the aid of online support groups and queer-related community centers, among others. Of these bright areas that shine brightly in the sky, these are the places that offer hope to many. They provide a stage for individuals to interact, express their personal narratives, and achieve a sense of belonging. Whether it is about facing the issues arising from the process of entering gay safe zones or merely about a search for friends, these groups are essential sources of acceptance. Some students rely on their peers to perform well, lean on them for support, and even build new families for themselves. Undefined Activism and Advocacy: At the very least, people shifting is not an isolated phenomenon. LGBTQ+ Rights is a fight of great purpose, a community machinery that continues to offer great effort toward the establishment of a more tolerant society. They actively protest regarding legal reforms that can help stop discrimination against LGBTQ+ persons. They also do not cease to work to demystify false beliefs and ensure people are understanding of each other's struggles. They have advancement through advocacy crusades, demonstrations, and contacts with the community. Through their unwavering commitment, they create the basis for a world where it is possible for people of LGBTQ+ orientation to live normal lives without being subjected to violence fearing for their lives undefined.

The path to LGBTQ+ equality may appear lengthy and difficult, with new challenges appearing even as progress is being made. However, it is important to recognize that substantial victories have been won, and the LGBTQ+ community's spirit of resistance is still strong. We can help to break down prejudice by elevating the voices of individuals who face discrimination and violence. Educating ourselves and others about the obstacles they face, ranging from a lack of legal safeguards to societal stigma builds empathy and understanding, all of which are necessary for long-term change. Supporting organizations dedicated to LGBTQ+ advocacy is another approach to help shift the tide. These organizations promote legislative progress, create safe spaces for LGBTQ+ people, and provide critical services for mental health and well-being. Donating time or resources allows them to continue their important work, creating a network of support that enables the LGBTQ+ community to thrive. Finally, the fight for equality isn't just about a few people; it's about creating a culture that values variety and allows everyone to live authentically and reach their full potential. Let us continue to fight discriminatory practices, celebrate the diversity of LGBTQ+ identities, and work together to make equality a reality, not just a dream.

Belonging to the LGBTQ+ or having confusion about your identity can come with its own set of challenges, and navigating those challenges can sometimes lead to stress, anxiety, or even trauma. Solh can be a powerful tool to help you on your healing journey; here's how:

Find Your Voice: Solh creates a judgment-free zone where you can share your story. This is especially important for LGBTQ+ experiences, which can often feel isolating. Sharing your truth can be a big step towards healing and can empower you to seek professional help if needed.

Connect with Your Community: Solh's anonymous support groups connect you with others who understand the unique challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community. Sharing your experiences and realizing you're not alone can be incredibly comforting and motivating.

Take the First Step: Feeling overwhelmed by traditional therapy is common. Solh offers confidential consultations right through the app. This easy access can be a great first step towards getting the support you deserve.

Talk Now: The Talk Now feature provides a safe space to vent out with an active counselor to your rescue. 

Download Solh App today and start healing in a safe and supportive space.